Book Club: The Graveyard Book

Hello and welcome to the first instalment of my book club.

I have been reading ‘The Graveyard Book’ by Neil Gaiman and I loved it!? It’s quite a creepy book (in a teen fiction way, not in an IT way) and the storyline is really unique.? I love the way Gaiman writes and this is definitely worth a read, if you’ve not yet.


Favourite character

I enjoyed the dynamic between the adoptive parents of Bod, Bod himself and his guardian Silas.? It’s a lovely, dysfunctional family made up of different characters, but it works and that is what family is about.? Surrounding yourself with people who ‘work’ with you and not just settling for those you are surrounded by.

Favourite part of the story

The whole book is fantastic, I reccomend this one highly.? I think my favourite part would be when you go clasp your hand to your mouth as you realise what is about to happen… but I won’t ruin it for you.

Have you read this book?? What was your favourite part?? Who was your favourite character?? I love Chris Riddell’s illustrations.? There aren’t many in here, but the ones they have included are beautifully done.