Into the woods…

I was in dire need of a walk in the woods. I finished the last tricky parts of work for ToyCon UK which is in two weeks time and felt overly anxious and tense. So fresh air and a spot of sunshine (not sure where it’s all gone) was muchly needed. I’ve had an allergic reaction again to resin so I’m not feeling very well.

I love how the forests round here are full of so many different types of habitat. Walking through just one forest means you travel through a variety of different types of land. It’s a beautiful world.

I also found some creature houses. One dug in to the ground and one in a tree. Who do you think lives in these?

I’m feeling much better because of this walk. To top it all off I found some forest snot! Maybe it was put there by a team of snails. Or maybe it was from a monster sneeze….

To all of you prepping for ToyCon and driving yourselves potty….. put down the art materials and go for a walk. It will ease your brain stress and you’ll feel better when you go back to it.