Hello December, Hello Detox!

It’s that time of year again when the frost starts to creep across your garden in the mornings, the nights are so dark and long some days it feels never ending and we start to feel cozy inside under blankets and by fires.

It’s also that time of year where we crave fatty and stodgy foods.? Something hot and filling.? And of course, Christmas party nibbles are just around the corner!? (Possibly my favourite type of food).

So we start to notice an extra bit of padding appearing and maybe feel a little sluggish.? Exercise goes out the door and we opt for chocoloate snacks in the evening; it would be rude not to as we keep being bought treats by friendly neighbours and colleagues….

However, it’s something that I am extremely aware of this year.? Due to a knee injury, I can’t do any exercise, even my beloved yoga.? So I am being cautious with diet and using resistance bands to try to keep my bingo wings at bay, but I can’t do sit ups or any lower body work as it pulls on muscles and tendons that I can’t use just yet.

I love instagram!? If you’re not on it, you should consider changing that.? It’s all image based, so for a visual learner like me, it’s spot on.? And whilst perusing some health food images recently I found @juicing_addict who shared a recipe for Detox Water!

I filled a huge mason jar full of fresh water and added 2 lemons sliced, 1/2 a cucumber sliced and 12 fresh mint leaves.? Then I let it brew over night.

The result is the most refreshing drink I have ever tasted!? My little tastebuds did a happy dance as they had citrus bursts and cool cucumber moments finished with minty zings!? It’s all the things you need to stay hydrated (good for your skin), freshen up those pores (cucumber), burn that tummy fat (lemon) and work that digestive system (mint).

I will let you know how I get on drinking this over the next few weeks (I loved it so much it even inspired me to draw a glass of the magic juice).

Those of you who don’t need to diet and are happily walking around and enjoying the wintry atmosphere; try adding gin to it 😉

So I say ‘Hello December’, we welcome you with a warm, detox filled hug!


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