New York Comic Con 2015
I am super excited to be exibiting at New York Comic Con 2015, via the wonderful: Tenacious Toys, Suburban Vinyl, My Plastic Heart and Big Kevs Geek Stuff.
And here’s what will be available…
Tenacious Toys (booth #208) will have 3 signed and numbered, very blue, tenacious Coralite sets:
Suburban Vinyl (booth #208) will have two signed and numbered Autumn Tree House sets:
My Plastic Heart (booth #113) will have two limited sets (5 Autumn Seedlings and 5 Spriggledop Sets):
And Big Kevs Geek Stuff (booth #129) will have two signed and numbered Geek Coralites:
Design, story and images are fully copyright protected. ? Taylored Curiosities, Not to be replicated.